Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 24 Meeting: Preview, Part 1

The most important thing we need to do the first meeting on August 24 is elect officers.

Here is a summary of the positions which need to be filled:

The President shall be responsible for the overall leadership and planning of the club, including calling club meetings, posting agendas, and representing the club to other organizations.
Vice President:
The Vice President shall assist the President in representing the club. The Vice President shall assume the office of President should the President be unable to serve.
The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings in the form of minutes and handle all official club correspondence.
The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all club funds and act as primary signatory for club requisitions. The Treasurer shall also give financial reports at each club meeting.
ICC Representative:
The ICC Representative shall attend all ICC meetings as the official voting member and be responsible for the reporting back to the club. The ICC Representative shall also present club proposals to ICC and the Student Senate.

The ICC Representative has to attend all ICC meetings which are usually held at 1:30pm on Wednesdays, 10-401.

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