Week 1: 8/23
Vote on officers
Discussion (can be discussed later in semester when
dates get closer or can be discussed just among officers)
o Marketing
Club banner, vinyl
Club posters
Sign everyone up to blog mailing list, so blog
can be updated once and everyone will know
Hold one meeting every month at library’s Makers
o Trips
SLAC tour (no tours in August, first and third Fridays,
1:30 and 3:30)
Exploratorium free days (9/29,10/13)
Nearby campuses (Stanford, UCB, SFSU, SJSU)
Bay Mini Maker Faire
Vote on Funding Proposal
Introduce Arduinos
o Parts
o Basic
circuit construction
o Basic
Week 2: 8/30
Build basic Arduino circuits using Oomlout handout
Week 3: 9/6
Continue building basic Arduino circuits using Oomlout
Week 4: 9/13
Speaker: Introducing the Engineering Profession
Week 5: 9/20
Arduino Project 1: Stepper Motors
o Explain
stepper motor
o Explain
motor shield
o Challenge:
Build circuit and write code to control motor direction and speed using a
Week 6: 9/27
Introduce CNC Mill
o Construction
o Sketch-up
o Phlatscripts
o Grbl
o Gcodesender
Challenge: Build a small, basic emblem to be printed in
Free Exploratorium Day – 9/29
Week 7: 10/4
CNC Project 1: Clock
o Explain
gear ratios
o Explain
Involute Gear Plugin (http://capolight.wordpress.com/2011/01/22/drawing-gears-in-sketchup/)
o Draw
and cut gears, mounting board, and dowel
o Challenge:
Construct another set of gears to transmit power around a 90 degree angle or
construct a counter
Week 8: 10/11
CNC Project 2: 2 Axis Control
o Design
a box to hold the threaded rods, stepper motors
o Draw
and cut box
o Mount
stepper motors
o Challenge:
Write code to move the center of axes in a circle, triangle, etc
Free Exploratorium Day – 10/13
Makers Faire – 10/13
Week 9: 10/18
Continue CNC Project 2
Week 10: 10/25
Introduce 3D Printer
o Construction
o SolidWorks
o ReplicatorG
Week 11: 11/1
Continue introducing SolidWorks
Week 12: 11/8
Continue introducing SolidWorks
Challenge: Build a small, basic emblem to be printed
Week 13: 11/15
3D Printing Project 1: Suspension System
o Explain
the suspension system on a basic vehicle
o Design
and build a simple suspension system
o Challenge:
Build a more complicated suspension system (ex., independent wishbone)
Week 14: 11/22
Continue 3D Printing Project 1
Week 15: 11/29
Thanksgiving Break
Week 16: 12/6
Speaker: Reviewing the Semester’s Work
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