2:15pm: Club meeting begins
2:20pm: David Laderman, from the Honors Project, spoke to the members about the Honors classes and opportunities with the College of San Mateo.
2:45pm: Professor Demsetz spoke to the members informing them that the Solar Regatta has been cancelled.
2:50pm: Meeting has adjourned

Friday, April 24, 2015
April 24, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
April 17, 2015
2:10pm - Club meeting starts
2:20pm - Solar Regatta: Energy efficiency from solar panels to battery.
2:35pm - Viewing the Solar Regatta in Bldg. 12.
2:36pm - Explanation of future plans and additions to the boat.
2:45pm - Voting on spending money (that we already have) on more electrical components for the boat.
Yea: 8
Nay: 1
3:05pm - Meeting adjourned
Friday, April 10, 2015
April 10, 2015
2:15 pm: Meeting begins
2:17 pm: Connect 2 College (at CSM)
Saturday, April 18th, 7-8pm
Volunteers: Phil, Juan, Tihani.
2:21 pm: Discussion about the continuation
2:25 pm: She++ Gala, hosted by Stanford
Friday, April 17, 2015. Free to the public!
Location: Computer History Museum,
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA, 94403
2:28pm: Meeting adjourned
Friday, April 3, 2015
April 4, 2015
2:15pm - Meeting starts
2:17pm - Earth Day Wed, 4/22 10am-2pm
2:32pm - Voting on spending money on materials for the next phase.
Yea - 11
Nay - 1
2:41 - Meeting adjourned